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Itlets your foot flex and absorb the terrain. Mile after mile in the race, theshoe felt fast -- and just supportive enough -- to never let me down. On the long bike sections of the race, the aforementionedAnthem X1 from Giant Bicycles was a solid ride. The swiss replica watches cross-country legs in therace -- almost 200 miles total -- were mainly dirt roads. The Athem X1 is thespeediest mountain bike I have ridden. It was perfect in Patagonia,where it took in the bumps but allowed me to ride fast with almost zero bouncewhile pedaling.

Saturday was the big day for 350.org and their campaign for climate change. People in 181 countries participated in events to draw attention to the cause, and 350.org has some great photos up that capture the different actions. Here are some of our favorites. replica brand watches Photo Credit: Peter Solness There are over 15,000 photos posted on the Flickr page for 350.org. Check them out. Lisa Lombardi

With all the swine flu hype going on, its easy to forget that were also heading into cold season. Over at the New York Times, one columnist takes on the claim that garlic can help prevent colds, and finds that it just might. In a doubleblind study published in Britain in 2001, the article reports, the group that received garlic supplements came down with less replica Gucci watch colds than the placebo group, and had a quicker recovery time. Although the research is limited, it appears that garlic certainly cant hurt when it comes to cold season. Lisa Lombardi

The far-south latitudes of the race required specialnavigational tools. Namely, compasses had to be set to a different magneticsensitivity than northern-hemisphere models. I turned to Brunton and its $40Eclipse 8096 model, which is a compass designed replica watch gift specifically for adventureracing. It has UTM scales on its baseplate and markings to work with othertypes of cartographical coordinates.

